HS&E Policy


At Siccar Point Energy we hold a central value to put the health and safety of all people working in our business and on our assets first. As well as being a fundamental principle in what we do, we believe that prioritising and delivering on this leads to a healthy business and contributes to improvements in the industry as a whole.

This approach and belief is underpinned by the following guiding principles:

  • We believe a culture of care is fundamental to delivering on our promises, and by caring for those we work with and who work on our assets, we can reduce the hazards and consequences our activities expose them to
  • We work in a hazardous industry amongst ageing infrastructure and place particular focus on understanding, controlling and mitigating major accident hazards and their effects
  • We ensure risks related to people’s health and safety are adequately identified, controlled or mitigated and that workplace risk-related decision making is done with competence and authority
  • We involve our employees and wider workforce on our assets and expect direct communication of successes, risks and failures, as well as safe intervention of tasks not adequately controlled, no matter where or by whom
  • We lead by example and hold each other accountable
  • We seek continual learning and improvement through the industry and its regulators
  • We ensure appropriate levels of competence in our employees and wider workforce and exercise and train for emergency situations
  • We communicate, monitor and measure our objectives and expectations to employees and the wider workforce
  • We ensure our stakeholders are aware of and actively engaged in our activities that may affect them in respect of health and safety
  • We engage the supply chain to maximise their contribution to the vision of care in a manner that in no way abrogates our own duty and responsibilities in respect of what they deliver for us 
  • We believe our employees and others who work on our assets have self-responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of their fellow workers


Care of the environment in which we work is a fundamental principle of our business.  Not only must we comply with all applicable legislation, we strive beyond this in all that we do and lead by example. Much of what underpins our care for people is mirrored in how we care for the environment. This policy works under the following principles:

  • We ensure compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations
  • We review by way of formal assessment the impact that our activities may have on the environment
  • We ensure risks related to the environment are adequately identified, controlled or mitigated and that risk-related decision making is done with competence and authority
  • We work in a hazardous industry amongst ageing infrastructure and place particular focus on understanding, controlling and mitigating major accident hazards and their effects on the environment
  • We strive to reduce and mitigate permitted, unplanned and fugitive emissions and waste in our operations and in our design and construction of new wells and facilities
  • We involve our employees and wider workforce on our assets and expect direct communication of successes, risks and failures, as well as safe intervention of tasks not adequately controlled and that may have unplanned environmental consequences, no matter where or by whom
  • We have an effective management organisation in place that leads by example and holds each other accountable
  • We seek continual learning and improvement through the industry and its regulators
  • We ensure appropriate levels of competence in our employees and wider workforce and exercise and train for emergency situations 
  • We communicate, monitor and measure our objectives and expectations to employees and the wider workforce
  • We ensure our stakeholders are aware of and actively engaged in our activities that may affect them in respect of environmental care
  • We engage the supply chain to maximises their contribution to environmental care in a manner that in no way abrogates our own duty and responsibilities in respect of what they deliver for us 
  • We believe our employees and others who work on our assets have self-responsibility to take reasonable actions to care for the environment in which they are working, in particular through complying with all applicable work instructions, procedures and permits

These policies form part of our overall Management System that aligns our wider regulatory compliance with our policies, standards and ways of working and are fundamental to achieving good care of our environment and are reviewed regularly for compliance.